does the poker players alliance have a pac

The Poker Players Alliance (PPA) has long been an advocate for the rights of poker players and the broader online gaming community in the United States. One question that often arises among those interested in the organization is, “Does the Poker Players Alliance have a PAC?” This article explores this question while also delving into the implications of having a Political Action Committee (PAC) in the context of poker legislation.

Understanding the Role of a PAC

A Political Action Committee (PAC) is an organization designed to raise and spend money to elect or defeat political candidates. PACs can be crucial in advocating for specific issues, particularly in heavily regulated industries like online poker. Below are the primary functions of a PAC:

  • Fundraising: PACs collect contributions from members and use those funds to support candidates who align with their interests.
  • Political Advocacy: Through donations, PACs aim to influence legislation that impacts their cause.
  • Campaign Support: PACs may support candidates by providing volunteer help, advertising, and other resources.

The PPA’s Advocacy Efforts

The Poker Players Alliance has historically engaged in various activities to promote the legalization and regulation of online poker across the United States.

These advocacy efforts include:

  • Lobbying state and federal lawmakers on behalf of poker players.
  • Conducting research and surveys to understand the poker community’s needs.
  • Providing resources and information about legislation affecting online poker.

Does the Poker Players Alliance Have a PAC?

As of now, the Poker Players Alliance does not officially operate a PAC. Instead, the organization has primarily focused on advocacy through other channels. The absence of a PAC does not diminish the impact of the PPA; rather, it indicates a strategic choice in advocacy methods.

Benefits of a PAC for Poker Players

If the PPA were to establish a Political Action Committee, several advantages could potentially arise:

  • Enhanced Political Influence: A PAC would allow the PPA to make significant contributions to candidates who support online poker legislation.
  • Greater Member Engagement: A PAC could facilitate increased participation from members, making them feel more involved in the political process.
  • Focused Advocacy Efforts: With a PAC, the PPA could target specific campaigns and issues, streamlining its advocacy goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the current state of online poker legislation in the U.S.?

Online poker legislation varies widely by state. Some states have legalized and regulated online poker, while others are still considering their stance or have outright bans. The PPA continues to advocate for broader acceptance and regulation.

How can I support the efforts of the Poker Players Alliance?

Individuals can support the PPA by becoming members, participating in advocacy initiatives, and staying informed about current legislation. Engaging with representatives and promoting awareness of poker rights also helps strengthen the movement.

Are there other organizations working on online poker advocacy?

Yes, there are several organizations and grassroots movements focused on online gaming advocacy. Some of these groups also engage in lobbying efforts, making it important for players to stay connected and informed.


While the Poker Players Alliance does not currently have a PAC, its mission remains vital in the fight for the rights of poker players. The potential establishment of a PAC could enhance advocacy efforts, but for now, the PPA relies on a mix of lobbying, research, and community engagement to advance its goals. Understanding the landscape of poker legislation and actively participating in advocacy is essential for all poker enthusiasts.